ATTENTION: For Salon, Spa and clinic professionals who are serious about taking their salon to the next level...

Welcome To the


3 Day Challenge

From the desk of Lisa Conway
Gold Coast - AUSTRALIA

Hi there, 

My name is Lisa Conway, Author, Speaker, Mentor and most importantly a hair and beauty professional just like you! I was a hairdresser for over 30 years and ran successful salons before 'retiring' to help others get what they deserve from their salon business an amaZING life!

This course is based on my best advice and I know it works as I have been implementing these strategies with my private coaching clients for years - always with HUGE results and today you are getting it for FREE!

All I ask you to do in return, is watch, learn and Implement these strategies in your salon TODAY, not tomorrow. Remember, prolific is better than perfect!

An amaZING life is within your reach if you just put aside 30 minutes for the next 3 days, follow these simple instructions and most importantly implement in the salon, spa or clinic the very next day!

Trust me now and thank me later!

Bye for now..

Day 1 - Minutes


Day 2 - Grams


Day 3 - Dollars


By Lisa Conway
Author, Speaker, Mentor
Over this 3-Day Challenge you will learn how to find time, cut out waste and INCREASE your Salon, Spa or Clinic PROFITS!
10 10 10
3 Day Challenge

About Lisa Conway

Lisa is an accomplished speaker, three-book author and kick-ass coach with a unique, no-nonsense take on business, money, life and family, and she loves nothing more than sharing her world view.
Lisa is the author of 'The Naked Salon', 'Your Salon Team' and 'Your Salon Retail', as well as the founder of The ZING Project, an enterprise changing the face of the hair and beauty industry by teaching salon owners what they’re expected to know but were never taught. 

Today Lisa is offering you her 10,10,10 challenge that will help you get over some mental blocks around delivering amaZING services to your clients that will help your bottom line skyrocket!

Lisa implements these same strategies with her coaching clients for thousands of dollars and she wants you to have it today for FREE!

Today is the opportunity for you to take your salon to the next level and make it truly amaZING! So just fill in your details above and check your email. 

Remember, its called 'Self-help' not 'Shelf-help', so make sure you put aside 30 minutes each day over the next few days to learn what Lisa teaches and apply it in your salon the very next day! 

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